Become a CeltFest Supporter!
CeltFest Vancouver Island is not- for- profit, run exclusively by volunteers. The school is presented in partnership with the District 5050 Pipe Band Society. Tuitions are subsidized by individuals and community organizations who see the value of the traditions that CeltFest grows in its participants and their families.
Being a supporter of the Celtic Performing Arts Summer School of Music and Dance not only makes good business sense, it makes good community sense.
As students of all ages and persuasions learn and play together, culturally and socially we are all enriched! Sharing these time-honoured arts and their traditions that have shaped our identity as Canadians is not just edifying and fun; it connects us as individuals to those from many other nations in a most unique way.
Your donation, in cash and in kind, assists us in sustaining our organization of the world class event we've been proud to present annually on our Island for the past decade.
How to help?
For further information on sponsorship or advertising opportunities, please contact us.
DONATE: to CeltFest Bursary & Scholarship Fund