Special Interest Courses & Events

Evening & Weekend Workshops: 

Watch this space for more Special Classes and Community Events going up, including exact times, if not already posted here.

Here are details as of June 30, to supplement the "CeltFest-at-a-Glance" PDF (below) PUBLIC EVENTS on the weekday evening programs, and those of the CeltFest opening weekend workshops:

NOTE: Pre-Registration is preferable. See registration link below.

1/Weekend Workshops: July 14 & 15:

  • Scots (Conversational) Gaelic: -3 hrs  each-Sat/Sun July 14|15: 
  • both: 11 am -2pm  (feel free to bring your lunch with you!)
  • Ottawa Valley Step Dance:    -1 hr. Sun July 15: 10-11am
  • Be A Bard Celtic Poetry:        -1.5 hrs. Sunday  July 15: 2:30-4pm                                           OR       -1.5 hrs. Monday July 16: 4:00-5:30 pm
  • Bodhran: Learn the Irish drum! - 1.5 hrs.  Sunday July 15: 1:00-2:30pm

Admission to the above PLUS your choice of the  following Evening Classes (1.5 hours each evening Mon, Tue, Wed July 16-18, with bonus Gaelic class on Thurs 19 for all,)-- are included in the CeltPASS*. A CeltPASS additionally includes admission to all concerts afterwards.  To get a CeltPass or to enrol in any of the special classes above, go to:

Register for Weekend Workshops |CeltPASS

   - OR,  Go directly to shopping cart for all available admissions  here

2/Weekday Workshops:

a) "Drop-in by donation": Ceilidh Dance Workshop: 2:45-4:15 Mon, Tues, Wed, July 16,17,18:-Called instruction--no dance experience necessary! Proceeds go to the CeltFest bursary fund.            ceilidh dance info

b) "Drop-in by donation": Gaelic Language Workshop 2:45-4:15: Thursday only-Speak along with the speakers! --no experience necessary! Proceeds go to the CeltFest bursary fund.                                         Gaelic info

3/ Evening Courses: July 16-18 (or 19)

In ADDITION, you may enrol in any of the following Summer School Evening Courses (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and bonus events Thursday) 5:30-7:00 pm* as a part time student and/or special events individually by going to Section C of this Registration Form:

If space allows, you may DROP IN to any of the above classes for 5:30 classes Mon, Tues, Wed: $20. :

Celtic Song, Penny Whistle, Bodhran, Guitar, Celtic Art, Scots Gaelic, or Celtic Knotwork Art.   (also Gaelic Thurs. same time).


Beginner Chanter

 Fiddle    Guitar

Ceilidh-Ceili Dance (*exception: 2:45-4:15 M-Thurs)

Folk Song

Penny Whistle


Scots Gaelic

Canadian/Cape Breton Stepdance

Celtic Knotwork Art

Pilates & Yoga

more public events listed here~           

 Download PDF CeltFest 2012 Events at-a-Glance

*AND MORE SPECIAL PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY EVENTS to be ADDED! See also:  CeltFest Events Summary  to get a taste of what CeltFest community shennanigans we'll be offering the public--also included in purchase of a CeltPASS!

QUICK LINKS:                Celtic Instruments small


                             CONCERTS & COMMUNITY EVENTS

"CeltFest is the highlight of my family's summer" -A.S., Washington state, USA

"What can I say but that one week was not long enough?"- M.S., adult CeltFest student, Austria