Evening & Weekend Workshops:Watch this space for more Special Classes and Community Events going up, including exact times, if not already posted here.Here are details as of June 30, to supplement the "CeltFest-at-a-Glance" PDF (below) PUBLIC EVENTS on the weekday evening programs, and those of the CeltFest opening weekend workshops:NOTE: Pre-Registration is preferable. See registration link below. 1/Weekend Workshops: July 14 & 15:
Admission to the above PLUS your choice of the following Evening Classes (1.5 hours each evening Mon, Tue, Wed July 16-18, with bonus Gaelic class on Thurs 19 for all,)-- are included in the CeltPASS*. A CeltPASS additionally includes admission to all concerts afterwards. To get a CeltPass or to enrol in any of the special classes above, go to:Register for Weekend Workshops |CeltPASS - OR, Go directly to shopping cart for all available admissions herea) "Drop-in by donation": Ceilidh Dance Workshop: 2:45-4:15 Mon, Tues, Wed, July 16,17,18:-Called instruction--no dance experience necessary! Proceeds go to the CeltFest bursary fund. ceilidh dance info
Beginner Chanter
Fiddle Guitar |
Ceilidh-Ceili Dance (*exception: 2:45-4:15 M-Thurs)
Folk Song |
Penny Whistle |
Bodhran |
Scots Gaelic |
Canadian/Cape Breton Stepdance |
Celtic Knotwork Art |
Pilates & Yoga |
more public events listed here~
Download PDF CeltFest 2012 Events at-a-Glance
*AND MORE SPECIAL PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY EVENTS to be ADDED! See also: CeltFest Events Summary to get a taste of what CeltFest community shennanigans we'll be offering the public--also included in purchase of a CeltPASS!
"CeltFest is the highlight of my family's summer" -A.S., Washington state, USA
"What can I say but that one week was not long enough?"- M.S., adult CeltFest student, Austria